Sunday, December 18, 2011

I know… I know…

Sorry for the LOOOONG lag in posts. We apparently forgot about the adjustment period our bodies would need for all of the different "stuff" floating around down here. Almost everything has been on hold for me over the last 6 weeks. Even Spanish class has been hit and miss. The couch has seen a LOT of me though, so it's happy. I had a two week long bout of something that I originally thought might be food poisoning… and a week later knew that it was something more. Just when I started feeling normal after that we both caught a ROUGH cold that even had James down for a week. Then on the tail end of that cold, we caught another. ( with some kind of lower stomach bacteria thing mixed in for 3 weeks)I swear I am so good at washing my hands constantly and keep a bottle of germ-x in the car for the times when a sink isn't available. I don't think that will do it though- because in this culture you hug and kiss on the cheek everyone you see. So we are just loading up on all of the vitamins and minerals to try and brace ourselves for the next set of who knows what. I guess we should have known this would happen! BUT! I am catching up on the posts over the next few days, because we have some exciting adventures coming up!!! Stay tuuunnneeeddd!

1 comment:

  1. Ick - hope you're both feeling better now. Looking forward to hearing more about your adventures down yonder!
